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1.inhibiting bacteria and anti-virus.
2.It has antibacterial and antiviral effects, and is not easy to produce Resistance
ZhiZiKang can treatment of refractory diarrhea in unweaned piglets.

Product Features:

Main ingredients: Natural oregano essential oil as the main medicine, supplemented by Chinese herbal medicine extracts such as Coptis and Honeysuckle.
Pharmacological effects:
There are many components in oregano oil (mainly phenols and terpenoids), and the antibacterial and antiviral mechanism cannot be attributed to a single cause. It can co-locate several target sites of the cell, which has antibacterial and antiviral effects, and is not easy to produce Resistance. Essential oils are hydrophobic, which separates the lipids on the cell wall and mitochondria and interferes with their structure, thereby inhibiting bacteria; phenols can destroy proteins and phospholipids in cell membranes, increase their permeability, and thereby inhibit bacteria; terpenoids can affect DNA Self-replication, thereby inhibiting bacteria and anti-virus.
Usage and dosage: Oral piglets, once a day, 1-2ml/head. Severe illness twice a day.
Clinical use plan: During the high incidence of epidemic diarrhea, it can be taken orally to piglets for prevention.

Product Parameters:

product name: ZhiZiKang
Main ingredients: Natural oregano essential oil
product status: liquid
Scope of use: Farmed animals
Product specification: 20% content
Dosage: Spray, scrub or soak.
Packing: 100ml*40 bottles/carton

Application and After-Sales Service:

Treatment of refractory diarrhea in unweaned piglets
(1)Infectious diarrhea:
Bacterial diarrhea: E. coli, Salmonella infection, etc.
Viral diarrhea: Rotavirus, circovirus, swine fever virus, pseudorabies virus infection.
Parasitic diarrhea: swine coccidia, whipworm, roundworm, colonic ciliates infection.
(2)Non-communicable diarrhea:
Nutritional diarrhea: insufficiency of digestive function, lack of nutritional factors, improper feeding.
Stress diarrhea: environmental changes, improper management.


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