
HaoJiDan can promote ovarian development and follicle growth, regulate the endocrine system of laying hens, promote ovarian egg development and maturity and increase the number of follicles, it plays an obvious role in improving broken eggs, broken eggs, soft-shelled eggs, spotted eggs, and “sparrow eggs” in the middle and late stages of laying.

Product Features:

Prevention and treatment of salpingitis; effective in 3 days
Ingredients: Epimedium, Motherwort, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Angelica, White peony, Chinese yam powder, Woody, Cyperus rotundus, Imperata cylindrica root, bioactive peptides, plant polysaccharides, plant vitamins, Yinchen, etc.,
Detailed ingredients: Motherwort and Eupatorium esculenta are the emperor medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and swelling and swelling. Muxiang, Xiangfu, Qingpi, soothing liver and relieving stagnation, regulating qi, altogether are adjuvants; Imperata cylindrica root, Xiaoji, golden buckwheat root for clearing heat and cooling blood, and diuresis and swelling are all adjuvants.
Usage and dosage: mixed drink: 1 ton of water per bottle, continuously use for 5-7 days.

Product Parameters:

product name: HaoJiDan
Main ingredients: Epimedium, Motherwort, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Angelica, White peony.
product status: liquid
Scope of use: Chicken ,duck ,geese, pigeon, quail
Packing: 1000ml x12 bottles/carton
Usage: mixed drink: 1 ton of water per bottle, continuously use for 5-7 days.
Validity period: 2 years


Laying poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, quail, etc.) during the laying period due to physiological and disease factors caused salpingitis, acute and chronic oophoritis. Visible: ovarian edema, hemorrhage, white exudate in the egg, hematopoietic egg, cracked egg, white shell egg, sand preserved egg.
Improve reproductive function, delay the aging of reproductive organs, and effectively prolong the peak period of egg production for more than 1 month.


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